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Max-our baby ferret

21 10:56:40

Max is our baby ferret and he is about 10 weeks old. He continuously bites and sometimes latches on and doesn't let go.
We have tried using bitter apple but he licks it, we have also attempted to hiss at him as stated in the ferret guide books and also say no biting loudly. Nothing helps and he bites like crazy. What can we do to train him not to bite?

ANSWER: Like a puppy or a human baby, ferret explore things with their teeth and Max is at that stage.  He is figuring things out right now.  Different things work for different ferrets.  For some, Bitter Apple will work, for others a high pitched scream will work, for other you have to be patient until they grow out of it.  My kits were biters from 6week until about 11 weeks then they stopped biting hands and really stopped biting hard - they still nibble at feet, but that should stop soon too.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for answering but what I want to know is if there is anything else we can do to curve his biting habits as hissing,saying no bite or using bitter apple doesnt work? Is it best to just wait it out?

Other than adding a high pitched scream as an option like I mentioned before, you will have to wait it out.  Make sure he isn't biting for attention.  If he bites when you pick him up, don't put him down until he stops biting.  Make sure he has interesting chew toys for him to bite instead.