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19 9:18:16

I rescued a retired breeder who was forced to live in a kennel for most of her life. She doesn't know how to do anything. She has many issues and I'm wondering if there is a book or information on making the transition easier for her to go from a kennel with no interaction to my home with lots of love and attention.


Thank you for writing to me about your rescue dog and bless you for taking her in.  There are some great books at   The best thing you can do is to join some Pom rescue groups on yahoo or go to facebook and search for Pom rescue groups and get help from those directly working with this breed.

Patience is the key..lots of love and takes time to unwind from the life she had and realize that she's with a loving and wonderful caretaker now.  She will adjust and you will see what her issues are over time.  Work with treats and positive her what you want.  Dogs aim to please, even those who have gone through unspeakable abuse!

I know this will be a challenge but she's such a small munchkin...and needs your love so will be fine and both of you will benefit and grow from this union of two hearts!

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis