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Loner Golden

19 18:01:08

I recently bought a golden puppy. She turned eight weeks old today and I got
her when she was exactly 7 weeks old. I chose a golden retreiver becuase of
their reputation for being interested, active, and loving. I feel that she is
adjusted to living here - she is eating normal and acting comfortable.
However, I worry that she may not behave like the typical golden when she is
older because she is not very interested in being with people. I've taken this
time off work to help her adjust and she has become more and more of a
loner. She sleeps quite a bit and when around people, including myself, she
distances herself physically. She sleeps alone in the kitchen to take naps and
doesn't really come when inticed. She seems really passive and, it seems, that
she'd rather be alone. I purchased her from a (reputable) breeder that had
two litters at once - a total of 18 pups and I worry she wasn't socialized very
much with people.  Could this be why?  Can I fix this?

I'm going to take her to classes as soon as she is old enough but I worry she
may not be quite what I expected.   Should I be concerned?

Thank you very much for your help!

Dogs don't read breed descriptions and often fail to be typical of their breed.  In this case, you can hope the problem is due to the breeder's neglect.  Much of what happens before 6 weeks isn't that important as the puppies won't pay too much attention to anything except each other and the mother.  So when she is awake, give her plenty of attention.  Perhaps rather than petting her, throw a ball for her.  Be free with treats.  They don't need to be large or fancy, a little of her kibble will do.  As she finds you a source of positive experiences, she should be more attracted to you.