Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Collies > help me please!

help me please!

19 17:06:15

I go to the paddock with my family every day with our two tough dogs. Josquin and Akria. We let them off the leash and let them run around. Akria's the youngest dog, cooly X kelpey; she's fixed up. When she's by herself she's fine around the other dogs, doesn't do anything around them.Josquin on the other hand starts attacking them! then when they're together they attack even worse! the owners of the dogs get really angry at us. they eat well and we take good care of them so we don't know why they'd be like that.
Please help.

Hello Leah,

Next time you take your dogs to the paddock, have them both on leash.  Let Akria off leash if she's behaving and not showing any aggression.  Do not take Josquin off the leash at all.  Rather, walk him about on leash and make him do exactly what you say during the time you are around other dogs.  Do not let him lung at other dogs while on leash.

If you absolutely must leave Josquin off leash, you'll have to wear him out some other way before entering the paddock so he is too tired to attack the other dogs.  But you still must maintain control and he must listen to what you want him to do the minute you say something.  Never let him off leash before Akria.  Josquin is to be taught that he is not the leader.

In order to get this dog under your control, you may need to keep him on leash for several days or weeks and consistantly train him to pay attention to you and not the other dogs.

When dogs are put together, they immediately want to establish a pack.  That is their instinct.  But in the case where everyone is bringing their dogs together off leash with no particular leadership, one of the dogs will try to take over.  Josquin happens to be that type of dog.

It is best not to join such a group of loose dogs unless you have very stable dogs.

Thank you for your participation.

Ann Jordan
Border Collie Coach