Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Pond weeds and edge

Pond weeds and edge

25 10:01:40

Hi Leigh,
Are there any different vetches I should pick. I don't want them to grow aggresively into grass area or get on trees.
Please advise.

Followup To
Question -
Hi Leigh,

I have 1/2 acres pond.

1.The weeds grow on the surface of water, almost out control. How should I control it?

2. What can I do to make the edge of the pond look better with nature looking? Any kind of plant and flowers with good looking can hold the edge dirt not falling in.

3.When the water level up-and-down, how can we make the edge look good all the time. Any construction issues?

Please advise.
Answer -
You could use a vetch it is a viny ground cover plant. To keep the edge neat you could use landscaping cloth and drape it into the pond and lay most of it on the bank of the pond, cover with top soil and plant grass seed. The other thing you might do is put down the cloth and lay a few rocks on the pond edge. With a pond of that size why not try to alernate the looks on the perimeter. Landscaping cloth is inexpensive and curbs growth from underneath. contolling weed growth is a problem. I am assuming you have fish so an herbicide would be out of the question. I think you would have to pull them up by the roots. Remember if there are plants in the water the water is getting oxygen produced by the plants. Don't get rid of all plants.

I hope this has been of some help


Vetches come in all different colors choose the one you likeand to prevent it fom creeping into your lawn take a 1 foot strip of landscaping cloth and dig a 1 ffot slit in the ground and add the cloth vertically in the slit. this will stop the vetch from getting away from you. Because the vetch is close to the water the roots will probably grow to the water.

     I hope this has been of some help
