Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > help with my koi

help with my koi

25 9:59:35

QUESTION: I have had a pond for two years. I don't know what to do if my fish start to have a hard time I just lost one today because the tap water was left on of course the chemicals were wrong I fixed it as quick as I could can you stimulate them in any way?
you should not put koi in tap water unless it has stood for a couple of days to help to clear it of the chemicals that the water companies put in it to make it safe for us to use but it is no good for koi.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi, is there any way of stimulating a fish if it is having a hard time breathing ? thanks pam

The only way that I know of helping a fish to pass water over its gills to help it to breath is to hold the fish and bodily move it back and forward through the water, but if the fish is not swimming and moving about on its own after about 30 mins I think it is past saving, Sorry but that's the best that I can advise.