Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Water hyacinth flower

Water hyacinth flower

25 9:54:05

Hi, i just had a few questions about water hyacinths flowers.  First are they self pollinated?  I've heard they produce a ton of seed.  But, How do i germinate the seed?  Should i move this plant into a separate bucket so when it loses its seeds they are in there own container.  All the plants are in totes.  I would just like to know anything you know about germinating water hyacinth plant seeds.  Thanks for your help.

Hi Dustin,

Water hyacinth seeds are hard to germinate.
You would need proper temperature, Ph level and light.
Seeds could lay dormant for up to 15 years.
The best way to propagate them is by splitting the plants.
They are self polinating.

Good luck
