Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > how much should I feed my budgie and cockatiel?

how much should I feed my budgie and cockatiel?

23 10:17:06

hi, i have a 5lb of mixed diet seeds.  how much of this should I feed my budgie and cockatiel?  currently I feed the budgie 3 teaspoons and the cockatiel about 5 teaspoons. is this ok?


Seed diets are not healthy for any bird and will eventually lead to serious and life threatening health problems. A healthy diet consists of pellets, fresh fruits and veggies, and a limited amount of seed. Unless your avian veterinarian has suggested limiting your bird's caloric intake, then they should have fresh pellets available at all times. Produce should be offered for a few hours every day. And seeds should be thought of as a treat.
