Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > beatle looking things on a big area of my horse

beatle looking things on a big area of my horse

21 9:45:38

what are those little beatles my horse has them down her neck in her main and just above her tail the problem is she outside day and night and in a feild but if i bath her in this rubbish weather she would get pourly what other things can i do i did think of getting a flea type comb and comb them out i have only had the horse 2 weeks

Sorry Wendy.  Without a photo of the "little beetles" and without knowing where your horse lives and where he came from, there is no chance I can figure out what they are or how to get rid of them.  I would need way more information than you have provided to answer this question.  Perhaps you could check with your local vet.