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rabbit castration

22 10:57:38

i breed & sell holland lops & mini lops, but i raise some meat rabbits for my self & others.for a couple of reasons i want to learn how to chemical castrate bucks. i read in rabbit production about the calcium chloride, but it was vauge, where can i learn more before trying it on a bunny


We would absolutely never do this and I couldn't even begin to tell you how or can't even fathom why you would want to if you are just going to be eating them anyway.

I found a previous question from Dana Krempels who is a PhD which explains why.

You can read her response at

I can't answer you because although I am not an animal rights activist I just can't agree with inhumane treatments.  I took an oath and vowed to treat animals as humanely as possible.  Chemical castration is an extremely painful procedure and it is actually injected into the vas deferens and not the actual testicles.  If you want to slaughter your rabbits at least it is quick and they aren't in pain and I have no issue with that at all.  All people must eat.  

I am so so sorry that I can't help you.  
