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I think my mouse is dying but not sure from what

21 15:17:39

I've had my mouse, twitter for about 2 and 1/3 years or so and he now has a hunched back and his front legs look rather limp. He use to always move around a lot but seems to be really inactive lately. He also seems to be rather skinny and in the past day not eating very much or drinking much. I really hope that if hes dying its just of old age and not desease because he hasn't really been around any thing that he could cetch anything from. He seems that he might die by morning and i feel so bad but if its from old age that will sure make me feel better.

Dear Maddie,

Your mouse sounds very much like a healthy mouse dying of old age. Over 2 years is very good for a mouse, so he has obviously had a long and happy life with you. Keep him comfortable and warm-- he can't regulate his body temperature well anymore. Put his food near him if he doesn't move much. If you don't think he's drinking offer him some (soy is best) yogurt from your fingers.

When he dies he will twitch right before-hand. It can be anywhere from a little kick, fast scrabbling, or even jumping in the air. This is a muscular reaction. He may ask to be held and then soon die in your hand. My mice do this pretty often. It is comforting to them if they are very friendly. Only if he loves to be held, hold him as long/much as you want to/can, but very, very quietly in your hand. Kiss him gently and give him face time-- look into his eyes and talk to him.

A mouse can stay in this "elderly" stage for a month but if your sense tells you the end is near, go with your sense.

Thank you for being such a wonderful mouse companion. They say pets go "over the rainbow bridge" where the trees rain popcorn and the flowers are cheese.


<:3  )--~