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Chow Chow Behavior

18 17:10:33

I have a 5mo. old black Chow Chow puppy named Kearra. I can't believe the stigma attached to this breed of dog.  I have heard everything from they are very viscous, the black one is meaner, to I had one and it bit me, mean dog,they bite, they turn on the owners, etc. My puppy is very socialized, friendly towards everyone,children and other pets, very smart, trained easy to sit, down, shake, speak, and go potty outside.  When is she going to become this mean visious dog, bite people, etc.I did my homework on the breed, but was not prepared for the stigma attached. I am having a hard time deciding what is indeed stigma and fact.Can she stay the smart loving pet she is now or am I IN FOR TROUBLE in the near future? We do have children around, and my belief where children are concerned is that children should NEVER be left with ANY breed of dog UNSUPERVISED.Is she going to become aggressive even though she has never shown any aggression at all so far?Anything we can do to prevent this behavior? Is she going to TURN on us? I do live in New Orleans and the crime is out of control here, we did want a good watch dog BUT, am worried we made a mistake in the breed we chose?If we had heard all of this aggression and biting and turning on the owner stuff BEFORE we got Kearra we may have chosen another breed, we love her BUT all of this talk is making us very uneasy.....Any advice for us?  

I know alot of people who own Chows and none of them are aggressive. Its the same way with Pit bulls - my sisters own two and their the sweeties of the town. In an artical it showed Chows are not to be left around children because their not for kids as they have a low tolerance line. But no, I don't think she'll turn on you or get nasty. Dogs get calmer, etc as they age. I hope this helps and feel free to follow up =]