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dog crying and acting strange all day

18 17:09:45

QUESTION: hi there, i have a weimaraner her name is eva she is about four years old in dog years. over the past few days she has been acting really strange, she has been crying all day and night and following everybody around the house she seems really anxious.yesterday she went and took a tiny dog teddy from my sons room and has been carrying it around but crying while she is doing this. if it is taken off her she tries to sniff it out and walks around the house crying but she also cries while she has it. she is not de-sexed and has not had a litter of pups.

ANSWER: Do you mean she isn't spayed?  If that is the case she may be in heat.  Anytime an owner notices a change in behavior I always suggest a vet visit.  Since she isn't spayed, this may be a good idea since she is 4.  I always recommend a vet visit before any behavior consult as often behavior changes are related to a health issue.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no she isnt spayded and she is not in heat, she never acts like this when she is in heat. i do know a bit about dogs and it seems like she is feeling anxious about something, she is being spayded very soon it is being organised. Is there anything that can cause a dog to act this way, i have heard of seperation anxity but there is always someone home, do dogs get anxious about other things

Dogs can get anxious just like we can, but that often presents as destructive (to themselves or the house), whining/barking or hiding under the bed type activities.  Often what you describe is nesting behavior although with it being the 4th of July she could just be a little tense.  Could she be reacting to fireworks etc?  Has there been a recent change in the house that may be making her nervous?  If you think there may be a cause of the anxiety then we can work with that.  If not, you may want to have her checked by a vet in case there are complication with her not being spayed or something else health related.  Check out the anxiety first and see if you can find a trigger.