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Dog poop on cement

18 17:02:33

I have a 9 month old daschund that's about to lose its home because of its toilet habits.  It refuses to poop on the lawn.  It only poops on the cement sleeve around the house.  It urinates quite happily on the lawn.  Please help!

Dogs often prefer one substrate over another.  The simple solution is to go with the dog, pick up the poop immediately and clean up with Lysol bleach spray.  Or, you can re-train the dog to poop on grass, which also requires you to be out with him to supervise.  If he doesn't go, back in the house and in the crate he goes, and you try again in ten minutes.  Or, you can try putting up a temporary fence to keep him restricted to the grassy area. has portable deer fence that you can buy to make a small pen with.  Or, if he's tiny, put him in an exercise pen ( should have them)