Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > 3 year old lab misbehaving when alone

3 year old lab misbehaving when alone

18 16:42:23

Good Morning...I have a 3 year old lab that I rescued 1.5 years ago.  She is perfect, I love her dearly....except...when she is left alone.  I kennel her, she goes right in her kennel, no problem there, however, when alone she gets out of her kennel ( I have zip-tied the back, it has 2 latches, and I have added 2 metal clips, and 5 bungee straps, and she still gets out.)  She then proceeds to get in the trash, the pantry, she can open doors and drawers, she can even climb (I don't know how) and get into cabinets that I have to stretch to reach.  After getting her belly full, she then proceeds to the basement and goes to the bathroom.  This is the only time she does this, she is fully house-trained and never bothers anything when I am home.  I think it's separation anxiety, but how do I fix it?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If she truly had separation anxiety, she'd be doing other things, such as trying to get out windows or doors, and chewing up your woodwork.  It sounds as though she is just trying to get to food - if she were overanxious she would probably not be able to eat!  If she is seeking food and seems ravenous, it may be a sign of illness, so do make an appointment with the vet and see if he/she can get to the bottom of this.  If the dog is not ill, it's probably behavioral, and you may need to engage the services of a behaviorist who can assess the dog by videotaping the behavior.