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Hiding Cat

20 14:04:12

I adopted a 2 year old male cat from the Humane Society.  I brought him home yesterday and after about 15 minutes of staying in the carrier, he came out when I wasn't looking and hid somewhere..can't find him and I've looked under, behind, and in just about every possible place.  I've tried putting food out to entice him, but it didn't work so far.  Any suggestions?


Just let him be but make sure any escape route outside is closed. He will come out when he feels comfortable enough to explore. It may be 2-3 days. Just leave food, water and a litterbox out and available to him. When you find him he should be put in one room with his food, water, and litterbox until he gets to know you and trust you. Then let him explore the house gradually. A whole big house at one time is too overwhelming to a new cat. You can put him in a carrier (closed) for short periods of time and put him where the most traffic is in the house and let him get used to the smells, voices, and activity in the home.

He'll be fine when he gets used to having a new home and new owner. Right now he is just scared, confused, and stressed.
