Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Koi Pond pump fails

Koi Pond pump fails

25 9:55:24

My neighbor recently lost most of her Koi fish due to the fact that maintenance workers overloaded the breaker that supplies power to the pump and did not notify her.
I want to create a simple circuit that would detect the loss of voltage at the breaker, then activate another circuit that would then turn on a siren and alert her of the power failure.
Do you know of any other way to prevent the loss of the fish in a case like this??  Just how sensitive are Koi fish to loss of circulated water.??

I am sorry but I am not up on electrics so could not advise on a system that you are looking for, water is circulated in a koi pond so that the water can pass through a filter which is realy a necesity if you keep koi as the filter helps to keep the parameters of the water constant. so the answer is "if you keep koi you need a filter.