Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > goldfish/koi behavior

goldfish/koi behavior

25 9:52:42

I have a similar problem to Sue's.  Two days ago the 14 fish in my pond "disappeared" instead of coming to the surface to feed when they heard or felt footsteps.  One or two flit about anxiously from time to time but the pond looks fishless.  I have seen some wriggling into spaces between the rocks.  Will they begin to behave normally again?  I added new fish in an attempt to lure them out to no availax85

Hey Beverly, sounds like something got them and the rest are scared. I keep my pond green because of the coons and cats. I just can't keep them out. I have a bird feeder by my pond on a shepherds hook and last night I saw a huge raccoon perched on top balancing itself and flipped the lid right off. I have also caught them in the pond when it used to be clear. Thanks Eric