Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > fish pond

fish pond

25 9:51:09

Ive dug a fish pond 2.4 meters by 1.2 meters by 1.2 meters deep.Please can you tell me how many liters of water it will hold and what size pump i will need.
Thank you for your help.

Hello Pat. The formulas for ponds are as follows:

To calculate surface area: Length x Width
To calculate Volume (gallons): Length x Width x Depth x 7.5

The size of the pump depends very much on what you plan on doing with the pond. Do you want a waterfall? A fountain? Will the Pond have fish?
The general rule of thumb is that you need to move at least 1/2 the water every hour. If you have fish and/or a waterfall the size of the pump needs to up to accommodate those.