Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > too many pond gold fish

too many pond gold fish

25 9:50:45

What do I do with too many pond gold fish?  We have a 15X20' pond (pond liner pond) that is about 2 1/2' deep.  We put 6 gold fish in last yr of which 2 lived...& procreated!  We now have about 70 gold fish & a passle of new fish eggs.  What do I do to control the abundance of these fish?

Dear Phyl,

Thank you for your question.
The answer can be that you place some fish on the internet for sale.
Other possibility is that you buy A predator fish that will eat the eggs of the goldfish.
For which fish to choose the best way is to go to the local ponddealer as he will know which fish is the best to use in your area.

Hope it helps.
Kind regards and happy pondkeeping,