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rabbits urinating

22 9:39:37

Hi there. I dont know if this is your knowledge but every now and then my rabbit throws and arches his bum up in the air to pee. Is this normal or could something be wrong. He is still eating and drinking fine. Hes never been the cleanest of rabbits so every now and then he gets a clean round his bum but theres nothing smelly like there was before when he had an infection and he didnt eat or drink much then. If you could get back to please.

Hi Lyndsey
Is this an unneutered buck by any chance? Bunnies, especially unneutered ones, will use pee to scent mark.

If you're suspicious he's doing this because he's uncomfortable, get your vet to check for bladder stones which can develop. He shouldn't be too messy around his bum either - that could be due to things like incontinence or bladder infections. If he seems to not be able to control his pee and is "leaking" that definitely needs a vet check.

Hope I've helped!