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cocker spaniel dischargin gel

19 16:58:18

Just got I 9 weeks old black cocker spaniel and his name is MAX... Last night he was showing that was not to comfortable and this morning he started discharging some jelly substance. His poop looks normal but he keeps on discharging this clear jelly substance. He does not want to eat and is not in the mood to play... Just want to sleep and be held. His stomach looks a little to big than normal and you can feel and hear like gases moving when you put the hand over the stomach. Any idea what could be the problem? Could it be indigestion or something related to his diet?. (He has been eating dry puppy chow for the past week and he love it and clean the bowl every time he has a chance and ask for more... He was on a cheaper food diet before we got him.
Please help us because we can not afford to take him to the vet right now. Thank you in advance for your help.

I wish I could say "wait and see" but I think Max is in big trouble and you do need to take him to a vet NOW.  Take a stool sample with you and a sample of the "jelly substance" with you if possible.

At 9 weeks they need constant supervision because they'll eat ANYTHING
and if he's stopped eating that's very dangerous at his age.