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male Cocker Spaniel in heat.

19 16:55:00

We recently got a new little male poodle dog about 6 months old and my 10 year old cocker spaniel won't leave him alone he keeps on humping him over and over again and he wont stop how long do you think this will last for because its been 3 days already and he doesn't stop and the little dog is getting tired of it?

Is your 10 year old cocker neutered?  I'm guessing he is - this is just dominant behavior
and it's basically telling the "new kid" that he's the boss.  Males are males, aren't they? :)

You don't say how recently and that's important.  If it's "really recent" days or a week or so...I'd say ignore it and it will pass as they become friends.  If it's longer than that I can suggest a few tricks to stop the behavior.

But usually it's best to let them work it out on their own.  At some point the poodle will let him know "cut it out".  Or he won't.

I have two male cockers and occasionally one will hump the's just an announcement "I'm top dog".

I wouldn't worry too much - say NO and pull your boy off.  Be firm but casual.  If that doesn't work, write back and I'll give you a few tricks to stop it.  But give them a chance to work out their relationship and don't interfere too much unless someone is getting hurt (which doesn't seem to be the case).

Your 10 year old has had you all to himself for a decade and "suddenly" there's this interloper.
If that's all he's doing to object, you're lucky :)

So see what happens - relax - try and let them accomodate each other - and if it continues too long, write me again and we'll tackle it.