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Running mate and food requirements

19 14:43:21

I have a 7 month old aussie male, he is about 37lbs. He is a running mate for my dad and goes running with him 3-4 times a week with a large run of 16km maximum at the end of the week. I am wondering if we should be feeding him a food with a higher protein content, and if we should be feeding him more food. Right now he is getting 2 cups of standard puppy food per day (1 cup breakfast, 1 cup dinner).

Without seeing your dog's condition, I really can't comment.  However, if your dog has a "waistline" just behind the rib cage, and you can feel his ribs but not see them or think that he feels "bony", then he's probably in good shape.  Puppies will sometimes get lanky or go through awkward stages, and you can up their feed as they do, but cut the feed a bit if they start packing on the pounds.  37 pounds is not an unusual weight for an Aussie of that age, but my own dog topped out at 38 pounds at age 2.  So, you can see that there is a variation in size within the breed averages.  When in doubt, speak to your vet and your breeder.