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house training 2 year old

18 17:09:50

Our 2 year old Shitzu has been house broken since he was a puppy.  We live in an apartment and he has been trained to piddle pads.   In the past few months he has been peeing all over the apartment.  I am at my wits end and don't know how to break this behavior.  Any advice you can give me would be appreciated.

Hi Gaetan, Have you moved the piddle pads to a new location or done anything different such as changed brands? Are you sure he does not have any kind of urinary tract or bladder infection?  Has your schedule changed or anything that may have him trying to get your attention?  My advice would be to go back to training him just like he was when he was a puppy. Tell him NO when you catch him in the act, take him to the pad and tell him good. One thing you did not mention is whether or not he is neutered. If he is being used as a stud he could be marking. Write back if you need more information or have any more light you can shed on the subject for me. Thank you for writing and think on it a bit. You may need to vet to check his urine and/or reschool him. Hope it helps. Regards, Susan