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Neutered male golden humping humans

18 17:05:06

We have a five year old Golden retriever who was neutered at 6 months. We are his only owners, he has been with us since 10 weeks old. He is a very friendly, sweet, good dog, but when we have people over he tries to hump them, males and females. How can we break him of this?

Hi Dorothy, This behavior is a way that he is expressing dominance. He may feel threatened or insecure about people outside of the family. Tell him "off", and take him to his bed or make him sit or lay by your feet. Assure him that it is all right for others to be in the home. And praise him when he does not exhibit the behavior. This will help to encourage him. Tell visitors to walk past him without making eye contact until you are finished training him, they will understand. Leave me some feedback and an update to let me know how you are doing. Thanks. Regards, Susan