Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Chewing blankets

Chewing blankets

18 17:02:55

I am wondering why my dogs are chewing big hole in my sheets and blankets.
Sometimes when its raining, we keep them inside, and this has never
happened before but we came home to holes in our sheets and blankets! The
female dog is 3 and the male is 1. They are both pitbull crosses, and I want to
know why they keep chewing holes in our blankets!

Hi, JayLynn,

Thanks for the question.

How much hard vigorous playful exercise are they getting every day? Do you play "biting" games with them, like fetch and tug? Has there been a recent change in the household? A move, someone moved out or moved in, a change in the daily routine? Sometimes changes like this can put stress on a dog's emotions. And when dogs feel stressed, to them the quickest way to reduce that stress or tension is through biting or chewing things, hence the holes in your sheets and blankets...

Even when it rains you should give your dogs some good hard outdoor exercise, and not just for the sake of your sheets and blankets, but for the sake of their physical and mental health.

Here are a couple of links that might be helpful:

Let me know if I can be of any further help,