Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > territorial shepard

territorial shepard

18 16:54:47

Hi we recentyly got a 1 year old shepard from the rescue and i was told she is good with kids and people agfter the second week we had her home  my house turned into a war zone she won't let any body near my front door or motorhome, when we take her out shes great with kids and other dogs but just not at the house  my husband is disabled and she  is very  protective of him could this be what she senses ?

Hi Janet

Does the rescue center offer a back up service?  They should be able to offer you some advice.

GSDs are bred to do exactly as she is doing!  Coupled with being from a rescue center (insecure) and you having a disabled (to her, vulnerable) husband, it is no wonder there are some teething problems. You have only had her a short while but this behaviour will get worse if not treated.  I'm afraid I won't offer advice to this sort of problem without seeing it and fully assessing it as it could be dangerous - you need to get a qualified behaviourist round to help you.

Good luck with her and sorry I can't be of any more help.
