Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Feed value of Eurasian Water Milfoil?

Feed value of Eurasian Water Milfoil?

25 10:00:36

Have you ever heard of Milfoil being usedis as a wild edible green for humans or livestock?  I know my koi fish love to gobble it up.  I see it harvested in mass and if dried, I wondered about using it to supplement the feeding of sheep or chickens.  Seems like it would be a nutrient rich green.  Needless to say, I can get lots of it.  Tried Google on this subject without any luck, except I see that some aquatic waterfowl do eat it.  Thanks for your attention.


I've never heard of it being fed to land animals.  I don't think it's a danger or poisonous unless the plants were growing in water that contained heavy metals, pesticides, etc.  If you want to try it, just give them a little bit to see if they want it.  If they eat it, keep an eye out to see if they get sick at all.  If not, you can probably feed it.  Sheep and chickens would probably prefer it fresh instead of dried.
