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Aussie and the door!

19 14:44:09

Everytime I let my 1 yr old Aussie out the side door (it opens to the outside instead of in) She either gently bites my hand on the door knob or as soon as she hears the door close bites the bottom of the door?? I have tried everything to try and figure this out and get her to stop but it is like she wants me out there or something, I am at wits end....please help?

She's trying to manipulate you in the way herding dogs manipulate livestock.  And, you are quite correct that she wants you to move in a certain direction or to be with her.  Aussies are extraordinarily affectionate dogs, hate being alone without their person, and are generally good at problem solving.  They do need training to keep their herding behaviors in check when the situation doesn't call for herding, however.  She should learn a few cues so that YOU are manipulating her behavior, not the other way around.  Aussies are very smart, and quite biddable, once they understand what you want, plus they do really well with clicker training.  There are some free lessons at and you should first concentrate on the attention exercise, stay, and leave it.