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Getting an Mini Aussie

19 14:44:03

I am trying to decide what type of dog to get and I have been researching the mini Aussies. My first question: I have two three year olds and a cat. Will this breed of dog fit well into our family?
Secondly, as I have been reading, I found a lot of info about the double merle. How can I prevent from getting a double merle dog?

Aussies are generally not good kid dogs unless the children are older, don't do a lot of screeching, and are mostly calm.  They can be predatory with cats, although some Aussies live well with cats they are raised with.  The best way to avoid a double merle breeding is to purchase your Aussie from a reputable breeder.  Unfortunately, many of the "mini" breeders are not.  The Aussie clubs do not recognize the mini, and oppose miniaturizing this breed.  A normal size Aussie, from a reputable show breeder (all dogs should be show quality, physically and mentally, even if they are destined to be pets, because it shows that the breeder cared about their health, temperament and stamina!), who is testing their dogs for hip dysplasia, and eye problems, is a better choice if you want an Aussie.  But, do read up on Aussie temperament, and with this breed, one puppy class will not do.  They need early and extensive socialization and training.  This is a breed I would get into puppy class the week I bring it home, and I would continue classes and social play with other dogs until the dog is an adult.  If that doesn't fit with your lifestyle, then you should probably pick another breed.  On the Aussie temperament: this is supposed to be a dog of "strong herding and guarding instinct".  That means that some of them will herd and nip your kids unless you know how to train them not to!  Plus, they NEED a job to do, and will make up one on their own if you don't find them something appropriate, such as obedience, agility, tricks, frisbee, etc.  Or, they might not let your kids' friends into your home.  So, my advice with two three year olds is, if you are a novice at training, is to consider carefully before getting any herding breed.  Even the little ones can have the Aussie temperament.