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Keeping Your Rabbit Clean

2016/5/3 8:59:55

Rabbits can require a significant amount of upkeep and maintenance. In the wild, rabbits only live for around one year on account of predators, environmental factors, and their inability to keep themselves free of common infestations and parasites. In captivity, rabbits can live for well over ten years. This is because domesticated animals have enlisted the help of humans. As a rabbit owner, it is your responsibility to keep your bunny clean and healthy.

Left to their own devices, rabbits will develop a wide array of problems relating to their general upkeep. Rabbits shed every couple of months. If you do not assist the rabbit with his grooming, he will lick his own fur off and end up swallowing a significant amount of hair. Very often, the fur gets caught in the rabbit's digestive system and can pose a very serious health risk to the rabbit. Simply run your fingers through your rabbit's fur or brush him while he is shedding to prevent problems from occurring.

If not kept clean, rabbits become significantly more susceptible to infestations from insects. Soiled fur is a magnet for flies. Unfortunately, it is fairly common for a malady known as flystrike to occur. This is when a fly lays its eggs in a rabbits soiled fur. Less than twenty-four hours later, maggots emerge from the eggs and burrow into the rabbit's skin. This can very quickly lead to death in the rabbit. Be sure to clean under your rabbits tail if you notice it is soiled, and routinely check to make sure your rabbit's fur is smooth and clean. A dirty rabbit is an attractive rabbit for all manner of insects, mites, fleas and ticks included.

Keeping your rabbit clean requires simply a little bit of extra attention from you. Routine maintenance of your rabbit will contribute to a happy, healthy and long living rabbit whose company you will be able to enjoy for years to come.