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Rabbit Hutches Cheap

2016/5/3 8:59:49

I assume you are at this page because you are looking to buy a rabbit hutch. Buying a hutch would be a very easy process if one hutch suited all situations.  However, there is no such thing. I’m sure you have already figured that out, and that is why you are doing some research here.  I am positive I can help you in this regard.  First hutch buyers are sometimes led to believe there are only two types of hutches to consider; ‘hutches cheap’ and ‘hutches expensive’.  This is far from true. However, I am getting ahead of myself here. It would be more useful to talk first about your requirements, your rabbits and your backyard.

Most families have two or three rabbits. If these rabbits are allowed to roam freely in the backyard on a daily basis, the size of their hutch will be quite small.  Rabbits seek security from being inside small enclosed places. In the wild their burrows match their body-size. Domesticated rabbits which roam and graze freely need a hutch only for predator protection, weather protection and sleeping.  However, if six rabbits are hutch bound most of the time they will need considerably more space in the hutch. They will need exercise space, grazing space, sleeping space and socializing space. In other words, they will need the biggest hutch possible. Some rabbits will be subjected to extreme cold, while others will be exposed to very hot conditions.  These hutches will need to be insulated to some degree. (Rabbits are tough little creatures.  With their soft fur coats it is no surprise that they survive and thrive above the snowline in wintertime.  Surprisingly, the same little animals can also survive and thrive in the extreme heat of an Australian outback summer.)  We also should remember that the hutch itself might be expected to battle outdoor climatic elements for about ten years.

Now that we have discussed why hutches need to be different to match different situations, it is time to steer the topic back to the notion of ‘hutches cheap’ and ‘hutches expensive’.  In other articles, I warn against purchasing second hand pet containers and housing. I learned this from a vet. In this article, In this article I don’t see the need to repeat all of the reasons why families should not bring secondhand pet items into the family area.  As a starting point, I strongly suggest purchasing a new rabbit hutch. As previously mentioned hutches need to withstand about ten years of climatic exposure, therefore we need to only choose from hutches that use high-quality materials.

Many people purchase their new hutches online.  Ease of research, choice, purchase and delivery make this a very wise option. So far we have established that you need a new, high-quality hutch purchased online.  However, we also need to consider value-for-money and overall design. To meet all of these requirements we need to be dealing with a reputable manufacturer who employs top rabbit hutch designers and who has been in business long enough to out-price all competition. A well-designed, pre-made, hutch eliminates of the issues of space, protection and longevity. And dealing with an experienced, reputable company ensures quality and value-for-money.

In conclusion, rabbit hutch buyers will be very pleased to hear than there are many high quality, pre-made, well designed hutches that still fall within the ‘hutches cheap’ category.  I hope that this has helped you is some way.