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Omega 3 - Finding A Needle In A Hay Stack -sorting Through The Good And Bad

28 8:55:05
As retailers, resellers and suppliers of fish oil jumped on the bandwagon to cash in on Omega 3 products, fish oil supplements sprang up far and wide with prices ranging from buy one, get one free, to $25.00 for a two month supply. While everyone wants a good deal, properly purified fish oil requires a distillation process, years of skill, and a fatty fish source. For a manufacturer to stay in business, the cost has to be absorbed in the purchase price with some room for profit.

Quality costs more and where your health is concerned, it was never more important if you want your health to improve. Just a few years ago before the world's awareness of our need for Omega 3 while the selection was smaller, it still took some sampling to find one that produced results noticeable in your health but today it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. If your fish oil supplement hasn't produced noticeable results, keep looking.

A pure, quality fish oil produces results you can see and feel in your health. With so many experiencing no results whatsoever from fish oil supplements because of their poor quality, it is no surprise that Americans are disbelieving fish oil supplements produce a change. Those suppliers who are in for the short haul cashing in quickly will unfortunately be the ones who make the loudest splash, more prolific advertising, and more likely to take liberties on their labeling.

The manufacturers of quality fish oil who have been in the business of manufacturing for years and plan to stay there for more years are more careful of the FDA cracking down for advertising the health benefits being reported by their customers. The good ones know their product will produce more sales from customers who know the benefits first hand. Having been in business for years when the Omega 3 craze hit, with a good solid customer base, they had no need to enter the foray. Unfortunately, it makes them harder to find.

Having first hand experienced the amazing healing benefits from a pure fish oil sourced from a fatty fish for many years now, and watching the same results happen in people far and wide, seeing the confusion and disbelief Americans are facing to the point they give up on finding a good fish oil leaves me banging away at the keyboard. Every man, woman, child, pregnant woman and aging senior in America needs to balance out the fatty acids in their bodies to effect a change in health unless they've been eating from their gardens, rarely eating out, do not purchase prepackaged foods or snacks, and consume fish many times a week. Unfortunately, that is not the American lifestyle.

To understand why, take a look back as far as written records take us and you'll see man sprang up along the coastlines of every continent. It is no accident they hugged the coastline and lived off the sea. Their diets were rich in fish, fruit and plant life for our bodies were designed to consume all those things on a daily basis. When one drop of sea water is compared to one drop of our blood in a laboratory, the constituents are identical. They only differ in color.

As man set out to explore the world around him, it was inevitable his quest to discover would send him roving across the land taking him away from the healing benefits of the sea. The prolific sprawling that began centuries ago is complete today with many never having a glimpse of an ocean or ever having fish part of their family's food buying. Perhaps there was a time adding one serving of fish a week was sufficient but today, with the fatty acid cart nearly tipped over in favor of seed oil in our bodies, it will take daily consumption of fish or fish oil to change the cart.

Take the time to find a good source. Your health will be so glad you did.