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How Fish Oil Affects The Body

28 8:52:29
By now you have probably heard that fish oil is very good for you. However, the reasons why fish oil is so nutritious may be surprising. Fish oil supplements have many benefits; they can positively affect your body literally from head to toe. Fish oil can also help your brain to function better, your mood to be elevated, and your skin to glow more. All of this is due for the most part to a property in fish oils called �omega 3s�.

Cold water fish, particularly salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna, are all sources omega 3s. Omegas 3s are essential fatty acids that cannot be obtained by the body in any other way except through the diet. This would be easy enough to solve, but the problem is that many people refuse to do this for themselves because they do not like the taste of fish. Even if they personally do not mind the taste and they are willing to consume more fish in their diet, they may not be able to prepare it for dinner if someone in their family refuses to eat fish. A fish oil supplement can provide the proper nutritional value enters the picture.

It is very important that you make sure you get omega 3s in your diet. In a world of processed foods and chemically treated foods, products and environs, omega 3s help protect you from heart disease, which is a concern for anyone who eats anything other than purely organic, whole foods. Even if you are one of the few people who eat this way, you cannot help but live in a world with pollutants. Taking an omega 3 fish oil supplement will help protect you from these pollutants.

Omega 3s can do more than just protect you from physical manifestations of disease, though; fish oil can help protect you from mental health issues as well. It has been well-documented that people whose diet is rich in omega 3s are less prone to depression and anxiety, and have better overall mental health and a more positive outlook.

Perhaps the most documented and well known reason for taking omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil is that they are helpful in lowering �bad’ cholesterol. They also help lower triglycerides. It sounds strange, but by consuming the �good’ fats found in fish oil, you can reduce the �bad’ fats that travel through your bloodstream. An added benefit to this for some people is that it can help you lose weight. Again, it is easiest to do this by taking fish oil supplements, because consuming fish as often as would be required to reap the maximum benefits just may not be possible.

Recent studies, of interest especially for women, have shown that increasing omega fatty acids through fish oil supplementation actually helps increase fertility. Also studied is whether it helps the pregnancy remain viable and helps the woman carry to term once she is pregnant. Because of fish oil’s great effects on the immune system, it is thought to keep a pregnant woman at optimal levels of immunity throughout her pregnancy.

Yet another benefit to fish oil is certain anti-inflammatory properties. By supplementing with fish oil you can reduce joint pain and even help ease arthritis. Many people that suffer from arthritis have issues such as stiffness in their bones and joints upon rising in the morning, a searing-type pain in their joints, and fatigue. Fish oil supplements can help with these symptoms by helping with immune function. It is generally recommended that someone with arthritis take a dose of 750 mg at least twice a day, although some studies have been done with higher doses. Some people have even been able to eliminate pain medication altogether by taking fish oil supplements for an extended period of time, over many months.

It is important to note that there are some additional studies that warn against over-supplementing with fish oils, and also warn of side effects when supplementing with fish oil. For the most part, the side effects are minor and include such inconveniences like �fish-smelling’ burps or mild fishy aftertaste. More troublesome side effects include diarrhea and nose bleeds.

Some side effects are possible however extremely rare. Always make sure your fish oil is stored properly in a cool dry place if in pill form, and if any supplement indicates that it requires refrigeration make sure to do so. Fish oil �gone bad� is the most likely culprit of any negative side effects.

It is usually recommended that you maintain a healthy, balanced diet in order to get your fish oils and to follow the advice of your health care practitioner before starting any supplement regimen. Be sure to tell your doctor of any other medication you are on before inquiring about fish oil supplements, and inform him or her thoroughly. For the most part, people are happy to learn that they can conveniently supplement their diet and can benefit greatly from the omega 3s found in fish oil supplements.