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Fish Oil For Better Concentration

28 8:52:33
Most of us know that fish oil is good for combating heart disease, arthritis and depression.
However, what many people still don't know is that fish oil and in particular EPA fish oil, can be beneficial for the brain and brain function regardless of whether we have an existing mental health problem or not.

Take concentration and memory as an example. All of us have experienced times when we find it difficult to concentrate or our thoughts are a bit disorganised and we can surely all recall times when our memory has failed us. Fish oil can help improve both our concentration and our memory, provided the fish oil contains high levels of an important omega 3 fatty acid known as Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA.

Studies into fish oil and concentration

Those who have more difficulty concentrating are those who suffer with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or attention deficit disorder (ADD) and other developmental disorders. Lack of concentration at school for whatever reason could have a negative impact on school performance and possibly a child's future so many studies have focussed in this area.

One of the largest of these trials was the famous Durham Trials led by Dr Madeleine Portwood. In one study the researchers found that children taking omega 3 fish oil were able to improve both their reading age and spelling age by an average gain of 9.5 months and 6.5 months respectively and this was in the first 3 months of supplementation.

Between three and six months of the trial the children who had been taking a placebo switched to fish oil and also significantly improved their reading and spelling age. The ones who had been on fish oil all along continued to progress over and above what would be expected for their chronological age.

Another study, this time carried out in Australia and led by researcher Natalie Sinn, concluded that fish oil was better than Ritalin for treating ADHD.

Other studies have come up with similar results and the conclusion is that supplementation with omega 3 fish oil containing high levels of Eicosapentaenoic acid aids concentration and behaviour in school. However, the benefits of fish oil extend to everyone and not just children struggling at school.

Why fish oil might help concentration

No one really understands why fish oil can be so effective for brain and brain function but what is known is that Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA appears to be the fatty acid responsible for the profound effect that fish oil has on the brain.

Although another fatty acid known as Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA is known to be important for healthy development of the brain it is EPA that is necessary for efficient functioning of the brain on a daily basis.

EPA is an Omega 3 fatty acid found in oily fish. Over the past few decades we are consuming more and more processed foods, meat and dairy produce and less fish and this is having a devastating effect on both our physical and mental health.

When we consider the benefits that EPA offers for mental health it's no coincidence that people with depression or other mental health problems and children with ADHD as well as other disorders have been found to have low levels of this fatty acid in their blood. It makes sense then that supplementing with EPA fish oil can help improve brain function and alleviate the symptoms of mental health disorders.

EPA is anti inflammatory and is an anti-coagulant; it also somehow improves the inter-neural connections between cells, and enables faster information processing and more efficient brain function in general. The result is not only improved performance at school but better concentration and focus for anyone else choosing to take a daily dose of fish oil.