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How To Get Your Kids To Eat Fish

28 8:53:30
Are you guilty of child abuse? With all the evidence supporting the healthy benefits of eating fish, it seems almost like abuse not to feed your children fish on a regular basis.

Okay, maybe you don't like fish. But you're an adult. You're old enough to weigh the consequences of your decision (a pain free future or crippling arthritis - choose). But a child doesn't have the capacity to make this choice. And, knowing all the complications that could arise, it's inconsiderate on our part to make it for them.

Enough of the guilt trip. Let's say for a moment that you're willing to consider the possibility of doing something about the situation. How would you go about getting your kids to eat fish?

With four children of my own, I've learned through personal experience that kids learn in three ways -example, example and example. They tend to do what they see us doing (that is, until they become teenagers).

So, while they're still young, the best thing you can do is to start eating fish yourself. (You probably already knew where this was going.) If you don't like the fishy taste then you're not buying fresh fish, not preparing it properly or you haven't developed the taste yet. These things are easy to fix. Here's how.

Fresh fish seldom tastes "fishy" - that is, in the traditional sense that people complain about. I mean, fish is fish and it doesn't taste like chicken, but it doesn't have to taste "fishy" either. Buy the freshest fish you can find and serve it as soon as possible.

Get yourself a fish cookbook and try various recipes until you find several your family really enjoys and then just stick with those.

Many people find that it's easier to develop a taste for fish when you start with mild tasting fish first. Although fish like salmon have the highest omega 3 fatty acids, they also have the strongest flavor. Start eating white fish like grouper or sea bass and gradually work your way up to salmon. I promise it'll go a lot easier for you and your family.

Introducing your children to fish as early as you can also makes a difference. We started giving our kids fish oil on a spoon when they were just 6 months old. They were soon chewing the capsules (by their own choice) and now fish is one of their favorite foods. When we go out to eat, the chances are 8 out of 10 that they'll order fish.

Okay, so your kids are older and they've already developed a taste for TV dinners, pot pies and pizza. No problem. That is if you're willing to use tough love. Basically you can follow some of the same suggestions I've given and make sure there are no other choices for dinner. Be firm. They'll eat when they get hungry enough.

In order to help your children live a long happy healthy life, give these suggestions a try. Research shows that fish also improves a child's behavior and mood, so there are added benefits for you too. Believe me, you'll be glad you taught your kids to eat fish. And maybe some day they'll even thank you for it!