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Allergies::does Fish Oil Omega-3 Help Allergies?

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For many types of allergies, increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil may help resolve some or all of the symptoms. Inflammation is involved in itching, hives and rashes. Most dietary fats trigger the release of inflammatory molecules. Fish oil, because it contains omega-3 fatty acids, triggers the release of anti-inflammatory molecules. Cooking oils, which contain omega-6, causes the release of INFLAMMATORY compounds. Increase Omega-3 sources but decrease omega-6 intake.

Hay Fever, Rhinitis

They symptoms of hay fever or allergic rhinitis are caused by inflammation in the affected tissues. You may find that natural anti-inflammatories are just as effective as antihistamines and other drugs. Other natural anti-inflammatories are found in green tea, alpha lipoic acid, carnosine, turmeric, glutathione, resveratrol and flavonoids.

Be Patient - Fish Oil Works

Fish oil and other natural anti-inflammatories are not accompanied by the unwanted side effects that are seen with prescription drugs. It may take some time and patience on your part, but it is possible to reduce allergic symptoms naturally. It will probably require some lifestyle and dietary changes, in order to see results, but to most people, the results are worth making the necessary changes.

Fish Oil - Anti-Inflammatory

Increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, while decreasing your intake of inflammatory omega6s, provides many health benefits. Allergies are only the first on a long list of conditions that are basically caused by or aggravated by chronic inflammation. It is involved in arthritis, skin diseases, heart disease, immune system dysfunction, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, digestive disorders and many other health complaints. It even plays a role in cancer formation and progression.

Use Only Pure Distilled Omega-3 Fish Oil

Fish oil may not be a cure-all, but if you can only take one dietary supplement every day, that’s the one to take. You just need to choose your supplements carefully. Contaminants have been found in many brands. Only buy a product that adheres to the International Fish Oil Standards. This information should be listed on the label or the company’s website. The better companies have higher standards than those set down by the IFOS.

Molecular Distillation is Essential

Omega-3 fatty acids are good for your health, but mercury and other contaminants are bad. There are companies out there that state molecular distillation is unnecessary and reduces the omega-3 content. Those statements are not truthful.

According to the Environmental Defense Fund, the Council for Responsible Nutrition, the State of California and other reliable sources, molecular distillation is an absolute must. Taking a good supplement may help relieve allergies and other health problems. Taking a bad one is a waste of money and it could cause unwanted problems. For more information on allergies and fish oil, please visit my website listed below.