Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Clear Water

Clear Water

25 9:59:00

I only have a small pond, approx. 2m x 1.5m x 0.5m. Recently. almost overnight it went clear? It is new and the plants were put in about three weeks ago. Has it reached its balance? I prefer it a bit murky. Will it go murky if I put fish in?

I also have yet to install the waterfall, is this going to further oxidise the water and keep it clear. Should I remove some underwater plants?

Also my water lily leaves are going yellow/black?

Any ideas please

Hi Paul,
Thanx for your question.  Sounds like your water, plants, etc. are all in sync.  You don't want the water to get murky, trust me.  It sounds like everything is balanced.  It should not go murky if you add fish if you don't add too many fish.  A general rule is about 1 inch of fish per gallon but allow more space for full-bodied fish like goldfish.  

Any movement of water (i.e. the waterfall) helps oxygenate the water.  Oxygenation can help the water stay clear but it can also encourage the growth of algae.  Leave your underwater plants.  They're fine.  If water lily leaves are going yellow/black there is some rotting going on.  Check the undersides of the leaves for worms or beetles.  Are the stems rotting too?  Where are you located and what are you weather conditions.  I hope this helps.