Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > fish and turtles

fish and turtles

25 9:59:00

QUESTION: Can I mix 6" turtles with my 6" koi, or will they eat them?
Thank you - Leta Runion


Depends on what kind of turtles.  Most turtles won't bother the fish, but they will make short work of your plants.

Good Luck,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What kind of turtle DO eat fish ?
Thanks, Leta


Here in Louisiana we have an Alligator Snapping Turtle.  They can get up to 500 lbs.  Inside their mouth they have a little appendage that looks like a worm.  They lay motionless on the bottom of the lake with their mouth gaped open and wiggle the little appendage.  A fish comes by and thinks that there is an easy meal and goes after the "worm" and right into the turtle's mouth.

Pretty cool, huh??

Just don't get a finger or toe in his mouth.  He can easily take it off.
