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23 10:04:01

I was diagnosed Dec 21-2011 with emphysema and a 5 mm nodule in my left lung. At the same time I was also diagnosed with systemic Lupus. I have owned a Yellow Nape for 18 Years, since he was a baby. I am being told by some that the bird could be the cause of my lung disease. I clean his cage & the room he stays in every night religiously and he receives baths alot. I do spend my days in the room with him alot. There is also a air purifier in the room... (NOW) wasn't before. Is it possible that he is the cause of my disease & do you think there is danger in keeping him with this lung disease.
Thanking you in Advance.

-  I also have systemic Lupus and surprisingly, an allergy to birds; however, this does not keep me from dedicating my life to them.  I have no control over how others maintain or do not maintain their birds, but from what you're describing here, you keep your environment very much like I keep my own and it's quite adequate.

--- I vac at least twice a day, every day using a canister vac that is emptied every day (bagless, Dirt Devil Vision, highly recommended)

There IS a disease that birds have been linked to, but most doctors know it when they see it and will ask if you own birds or have been exposed to any in closed conditions.

 Chances are that your bird did NOT cause your disease, but yes, his presence might exacerbate it.   The steps you've already taken and adding some vacuuming should reduce if not eliminate that possibility.