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Cockatiel with eye problem

21 16:17:49

Hi. We have just noticed our 2 year old female cockatiel has a small pink dot on her eye line I thought it was a seed shell at first, but it didnt go away, now I've noticed wwhen she blinks it disappears and then pop up again, its tiny the size of a millet seed shell on her right eye along to bottom. Do you think it needs vet attention, or should we wait a few day and see if it clears up, it doent seem to be bothering her, she's not rubbing it on her wing. If advise taking her to a vet we will but we dont have money for the expense vets can charge. Thanks for your help. Regards, Jan and Maxi the cockatiel

Hi, Jan,

I don't know precisely what this is based on your post.  However, it could be a spot where your tiel has scratched with her toenail or injured in some other manner.  It could be a lot of things, but since I cannot see your bird in person, it's hard to offer an opinion.  You can wait a few days to see what happens, since it doesn't seem to bother the bird.  If it gets worse, you'll need to take the bird to a certified avian vet.
