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Jack Russell terrier

18 17:09:52

I am a new JR owner for the last few days he keeps jumping up at the window and door crying is he in season?

Hi Jacqui, I see that you disagree with my answer to you. And  that is okay. I have owned many terriers for many years and seen this type of behavior. I certainly did not mean to insult you in any way.  You asked if "HE was in SEASON". That rather made me wonder if He was a male or female because boys do not go into season, only the dams. Is there any way that you could make an outdoor pen or run for Him?  For some reason he seems to find outside to be more fun than inside.  Also, your question was brief, so I did not know any details of your situation. How old is this dog?  How did he live before you got him?  Have you asked the previous owner if they have seen this type of behavior in him or his parents or litter mates in the past?  You only said that you had him a few days, so it may be just a small thing that he will grow out of once he settles down into his new lifestyle with you. Training animal behavior has been my business for many years and I am only trying to help you out here. So please do not take offense.  The terrior group is a brilliant group, full of energy and love. They love to work and love their people even more.  I do hope it gets easier for you soon and hope you find some information that is helpful.  Write back with more details, if you need further explanations.  And as always, we appreciate your feedback.  Thanks. Regards, Susan