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18 16:50:05

Our 13 yr old dalmation died this summer.  We also have an 11 year old doxen.  Would it be good for her if we got a dauschound puppy.  I feel like she is lonely after the death of her dalmation?

Dear Patsy,

This is a toughie, and ultimately something you have to follow your gut instinct on.  

Adding a new pup to the household, as you know, will entail a lot of work, particularly in housetraining and general obedience.  You haven't had a puppy in 11 years so you may want to try to recall the time and energy involved.  As long as you are OK with that, we can move to the next issue.  (If you are not OK with that, go to or your local shelter to find an already housetrained dog.)  

Next is the issue of companionship.  The 13 year old was a good match for the 11, and a young dog will very likely be more of an annoyance to your older dachshund.  

However, and this is a big however, even if the 11 year old shows nothing but annoyance at the pup, I suspect she would actually enjoy the interaction with another dog in the house.  After my warnings about raising a pup and that older dogs just don't think younger dogs are cute the way we humans do, I think it would be nice for you to adopt a new buddy for your dachs.  I strongly suggest that if you do, you work out a system where your dachs can get away from the new kid at any time she wants during the day, and that you do your best to continue to give her plenty of attention.

Again, this is a very personal decision and depends on many variables.  Nothing and nobody will ever replace your dal.  But taking her mind off her new void might help.

Thanks for writing and good luck.
Suzanne Harris, BSc, CPDT