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How to Tell If a Bunny Is Pregnant

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How to Tell If a Bunny Is Pregnant

How to Tell If a Bunny Is Pregnant. Rabbits are famous for being prolific breeders. A single female rabbit can give birth to 200 bunnies a year! With hundreds of pet rabbits being euthanized in shelters and languishing at rabbit rescues, rabbit owners should think long and hard before breeding their bunnies. Many people don't know that pet rabbits can and should be spayed and neutered just like cats and dogs.

Things Needed

  • A rabbit-knowledgeable veterinarian

Is My Bunny Pregnant?

Step 1

Do the math. Rabbits reach sexual maturity at 3 to 5 months old, and the rabbit gestation period is about 28 to 35 days. A rabbit can get pregnant again immediately after giving birth. If your sexually mature, unspayed female has been in the company of a sexually mature, unneutered male in the past month, there is a chance it is pregnant.

Step 2

Examine the rabbit's abdomen. You will start to see mild swelling about 14 days into the pregnancy. If you are comfortable doing so, you can very, very gently feel the lower part of the abdomen, halfway between its ribs and hip bone. If it is pregnant, the lower abdomen will feel soft, an indication of the fluid-filled amniotic sac, and you may feel a cluster of olive- or grape-sized lumps--the babies! Be warned that squeezing and rough handling of the abdomen can harm both mother and babies.

Step 3

Look for nest-building behavior. The rabbit may begin to build a nest as soon as two weeks into the pregnancy. The female rabbit will pull fur from its back, legs or under its chin and carry it in the mouth to build a nest. It also may use hay or bits of cardboard or paper or whatever else is in its enclosure. However, unspayed females occasionally exhibit this behavior as well, called a "false pregnancy." A pregnant female may also become more aggressive to other rabbits and human caretakers.

Step 4

Bring her to a rabbit-savvy veterinarian. A simple X-ray will tell you if your bunny is pregnant. This is the safest, surest way to determine whether your pet is pregnant.


  • What To Do with a Pregnant Doe
  • "Why Does My Rabbit...;" Anne McBride; 1998