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How to Take Care of a Guinea Pig

2016/5/3 9:03:06

Guinea pigs are a delightful pet to have around but like any pet, there are specific things you'll need to do to keep your pet happy and healthy for years to come. If you are not sure exactly how to take care of a guinea pig, no problem! Read on to see the absolute necessities.

The first thing you need to consider when you purchase one of these cute little pets is its' housing. Your not going to let the little fellow run a muck in your house are you? I would hope not.

Even though you are just picking out a cage, this process should take you some time. Be picky with your choice for a cage because even though it is just a cage that sits in the corner to you, it is going to be your new pets home where it will spend a majority of it's time. As far as cages go, the bigger, the better.

When learning how to take care of a guinea pig, you'll need to know what to put inside of the cage. Like what is your pet going to sleep on? Well, the bedding that guinea's absolutely love and the best option without a doubt is called Timothy hay.

Timothy hay will not only provide your guinea with a comfortable resting place, but they also love to play with it and they can even safely eat it!

So what else are you going to need in order to take care of your guinea pig? Guineas need a place to hide often and a small piece of pvc pipe works great for this. Elbows and 'T' joints are nice little hiding/play places for your guinea pig.

Another thing that guineas love to play with are balls. Anything that moves will keep the little things active and happy for hours on end.

Once you have the cage and things for the guinea to play with covered, you need to also be concerned about keeping your guinea pig healthy. Clean out the cage often and every day you need to remove uneaten food, urine, and of course your little guineas droppings.

How to take care of a guinea pig also involves knowing what the guinea pig can and cannot eat. And there are a whole list of items that you should never feed your guinea pig. Meat, dairy, sugar, and corn are all no no's.

It is okay for them to eat apples, spinach, kiwi, and parsley to name just a few. But be real conscious of what your guineas are eating. This alone will determine just how healthy or sick your guinea will be.