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Guinea Pig - A First Pet?

2016/5/3 9:02:24

Is a Guinea Pig a Good Starter Pet? In answer to this question. No. A guinea pig is NOT a good starter pet. They require a lot of attention, maintenance, and exercise. They get sick easily an need constant awareness. If you are looking for a first pet for your child, a dog, or cat would be a much better choice. Guinea pigs can become ill very easily and very quickly. Most illnesses can kill them if they are not treated by a vet right away. This can cost a lot of money. A child should only have a guinea pig once they are responsible enough with other pets to take on the work and extra responsibility.

When buying a first pet for your child, you want to find a stable animal that doesn't require so much work. Otherwise the work will disinterest the child and they will give up, not to mention the pain and suffering the animal will go through when their owner doesn't care for them properly. Contrary to popular belief, Guinea Pigs are not just cage pets. They need to be able to be let out of the enclosed space of their cage frequently and have a safe place to roam and play.

While they do eat a lot and love eating, many foods can cause harm to them. As I've said in other pages. Another reason a guinea pig does not make a good starter pet, guinea pigs need to be handled gently and with extreme care. A young child will try to rough house and jump around with their pet, this will terrify the poor thing and make cause injury or illness from fear as a guinea pig may stop eating if he or she is too afraid. Guinea Pigs require some special treatment in order to keep them healthy. Such as that you should NEVER use a cage with a mesh wire bottom. This may be easier to clean but it can hurt your piggy's sensitive feet badly and result in severe injury if not caught.