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Guinea Pig Health Problems to Look Out For

2016/5/3 9:03:07

Guinea pigs rank up top for pets that are most likely to get sick. Owning this small but lovable creature means that you have to be very careful with the way you treat them and you must become knowledgeable about how to properly cage and feed them. Not knowing can cause your guinea pig health problems and a shortened life span.

If you ever notice that your guinea pig is sneezing or has a runny nose, it's quite possible that your pet may be having an allergic reaction to his bedding. Clean out the cage and try using a different bedding. If this still does not solve the problem, you may need to take you pet to a vet.

Another common guinea pig health issue to look out for is if your pet is coughing or wheezing. Upper respiratory problems for a guinea pig may be serious and should be taken care of as soon as possible. Guineas are easily prone to pneumonia if there coughing/wheezing problems are not taken care of immediately.

If you see that your guinea pig is constantly scratching, then it's most likely some form of bug or infection. To spot for bugs, just use a comb and look closely. If you spot any lice, all you need to do is buy a medicated shampoo to rid your pet of the pests.

One guinea pig health problem to be aware of is if your pet has runny stools. Diarrhea can litterally lead to death in just a few hours if not treated right away. If you have just gave your guinea too much veggies, just simply feed it some hay and it will take care of the problem,

If it persists you can pick up lactobacillus acidophilus at just about any health food store. It is available without a prescription and be sure to look for the capsule version.

Hair loss is another common guinea pig health problem to be aware of. There are plenty of reasons why your guinea might be losing his/her hair. Some common instigators of hair loss in guinea pigs is mites, cuts or bites, ringworm, and even cysts. Call a vet for help here.

The last guinea pig health problem to look out for are seizures. There are actually a few different things to look out for here. If you notice your pets head pointing straight up, it's probably mites. These bugs often dig their way into the guineas skin and can even affect their nerves.

If you notice your guinea tilting it's head and balling up while seizing, then you need to get your guinea to a vet right away.

In fact, if you have any doubts or question at all, it's always better to be safe than sorry, so take your guinea to vet and get the facts about what you need to do.