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How to Give a Guinea Pig a Bath

28 14:23:54

How to Give a Guinea Pig a Bath

How to Give a Guinea Pig a Bath. All pets get dirty, and guinea pigs are no exception! Giving your guinea pig a bath will remove the fecal matter from his feet, the dirt from the nose he uses to root through his bedding and make him a clean pet for children to handle.

Things Needed

  • Small animal shampoo
  • Clean sink
  • Plastic cup
  • Small hand towel
  • Large bath towel


Step 1

Prepare to give your guinea pig a bath by purchasing small animal shampoo at the pet store. Choose shampoo made for rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets or puppies. Using human shampoo will strip too many oils from his fur, and burn his eyes.

Step 2

Clean your kitchen or bathroom sink with a disinfectant spray. Thoroughly wash the sink with clear water to remove any of the chemical cleaner. Close the drain and line the bottom of the sink with a small hand towel. Turn on the faucet, and fill the sink an inch deep with warm water.

Step 3

Place your guinea pig in the sink, sitting on the towel, for his bath. Use a plastic cup to scoop up water and gently pour it over your guinea pig's fur. Start by pouring the water over his rear end, and work your way towards his head. After the guinea pig's fur is wet, prepare to apply the shampoo.

Step 4

Squirt a small dime sized portion of shampoo in your hand. Rub your hands together and work the shampoo into a lather. Gently apply the suds to your guinea pig. Rub and massage the shampoo though his fur, from neck to rear.

Step 5

Rinse your hands with clear water and rub off any dirt from your guineas pig's nose and face area. Allow the shampoo to soak on his body, since it usually has a conditioner added to moisturize his skin and fur.

Step 6

Carefully unblock the drain in the sink, and allow the soiled water to drain out of the sink. Fill the plastic cup with clear, warm water. Starting at the rear, begin rinsing the shampoo off your guinea pig. Keep rinsing until there is no sign or shampoo or bubbles.

Step 7

Remove your guinea pig from the sink, and wrap him in a large bath towel. Rub him with the towel to dry his fur. Keep him wrapped in the towel for a few minutes to help absorb moisture. Do not return the guinea pig to his cage until he is completely dry. Make sure he stays in a warm environment while he is drying, after his bath.

Step 8

Return your guinea pig to his cage to rest after he is completely dry. Remove the small hand towel from your sink, and re-sanitize your sink.