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How to Adopt Exotic Birds Free

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How to Adopt Exotic Birds Free

How to Adopt Exotic Birds Free. Exotic birds make wonderful pets for some people, however the prettiest ones are expensive and usually not within a household budget. You can adopt one free, if you know where to search. There are several ways to adopt a bird, even the more expensive ones, but first you must educate yourself about birds. Birds are relatively easy to care for, but you must devote a lot of time to each individual bird, including daily cage cleaning and at least two or three hours of one on one interaction with each bird.

Things Needed

  • Bird
  • Cage
  • Toys
  • Food

Step 1

Run an advertisement in your local newspaper, letting others know you will adopt birds. Sometimes people with birds need to find different living arrangements for their birds, and by placing an ad in the newspaper, you may find birds which meet your needs.

Step 2

Explore the local area. If there is a bird rescue group in your local area offer to volunteer for them. They can always use the help and you will gain experience handling birds. At times, even bird rescue facilities become over populated, and if you volunteer there, perhaps when a bird comes in, you can adopt it.

Step 3

Call your local humane shelter and let them know you are interested in adopting birds or fostering birds. Sometimes the local animal shelters will have the need to rescue birds from unsavory conditions as much as they do other types of animals.

Step 4

Purchase the proper things for a bird, including a cage and a bird cage skirt to contain the seeds, which your bird will no doubt toss out of the cage. Birds love interaction with people and can be very entertaining but they can be very messy as well.


  • Bringing a bird into a home is a big responsibility; a bird needs to be cared for on a daily basis by people with a nurturing instinct.
  • They need fresh food, and water everyday, along with toys.


  • If you have other animals in the household, always supervise them when they are in the same room with a bird. Don't forget, cats and dogs are natural predators of birds.